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SHAMAN - 2 in 1 Disponible sur commande

SHAMAN - 2 in 1

Vintage  haute couture silk, feather prints, and reprinted by me with a Jim Morrison face . All the dress is hold by a chain , that goes from the neck to the back , going between, along breasts . 

All open in the back , very sexy on the sides and behind, you will feel very confortable , but you'll look like a hot diva . A movable collar ,made of vintage red fox gives the warm the entire body needs , at the sunset.

Lined with some leopard silk , it's reversible, you really have two dresses in one

This dress exactly is sold , and this fabric was very unique , but it's declinable in every kind of silk and furs that match to them .  I created one to Azucena Pagny , in another feather prints , matched with some vintage silver fox ... gorgeous !!! 

the Jim Dress was created for my sister's wedding , 7 years ago , at the birth of Lord SM Paris .

A Classic Lord SM

Collection Dress / robes

Taille Unique

Couleur : natural colors for feathers , all the colors ... depending on your desire

Délai de livraison : 20 jours

Frais de livraison : 20,00 € (France)
35,00 € (Etranger)


1 250,00 €

Ce produit, avec vos matières et vos couleurs ?